- The price is determined by market availability and demand.
- All prices inclusive of standard packing,
- Minimum Order Qty: 500 kg.
- For Oil Minimum Order Qty: 100 liters.

Yellow Bell Peppers
Length : 8 -10 cms
Diameter : 7.5-8.5 cms
Weight : 150-250 gms
Brix : 5-7
Rind Thickness : > 5mm

Snack Peppers
Length : 8 – 9 cms
Diameter : 4 – 5 cms
Weight : 70-80 gms
Brix : 6 – 9

Red Bell Peppers
Length : 8 -10 cms
Diameter : 7.5-8.5 cms
Weight : 150-250 gms
Brix : 5-7
Rind Thickness : > 5mm

Cherry Tomatoes

Avocado (Organic)

Apple Pears (Organic)

Hill Banana (Organic)

Strawberry (Residue Free)

Product : Iranian Long Pistachio (Arbari, Badami)
Aflatoxin Tolerance level : 15 Total (12 B1) μg/kg (PPB)

Lemongrass Oil
Botanical name : Cymbopogon citratus
CAS # : 8007- 02-1
Plant parts used : Leaves
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
Color & Odor : Pale yellow to reddish-brown with Strong lemon like odor

Basil Oil
Botanical name : Ocimum basilicum
CAS # : 8008 – 79 – 5
Plant parts used : Leaves
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
Color & Odor : Colorless to pale yellow clear liquid with Sweet, anise like minty smoky odor

Rosemary Oil
Botanical name : Rosmarinus officinalis
CAS # : 8000-25-7, F.E.M.A. :2992
Plant parts used : Leaves and flowering tops
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation
Color & Odor : Colorless to pale yellow, Clear liquid with herbal, Camphor, woody, balsam fragrance


Baby Spinach

Red Amaranthus

Green Amaranthus


Curley kale

Bok Choi


Italian Basil

Thai Basil


Rocket Arugula


Lettuce Varieties

Lakadong Turmeric
Curcumin% : 7 – 9%

Rock Salt
Bulk packaging 51kgs is available
LMG, Ruby, MG, MMG Rock salt is also available in blended form.

Product : virgin natural from G.I tagged-Lacha with bottle packaging
Minimum Order Qty : 1 Kg

The dried roots are beaten with a club to remove adhering soil and to break off thin, brittle, lateral rootlets. Lateral branches, root crown and stem. Remains are carefully trimmed with a knife. Root pieces are then sorted out into following grades.
- A grade
Root pieces up to 7 cm in length, 1-1.5 cm in diameter, Solid cylindrical with smooth external surface and pure white from inside. - B grade
Root pieces up to 5 cm in length, 1 cm or less in diameter, solid, brittle and white from inside. - C grade
Solid root pieces up to 3-4 cm in length, 1 cm or less in diameter. - D grade
Small root pieces, semisolid or hollow, very thin, yellowish inside and < 1 cm in diameter.